Arise and Shine - Poem

starfish set upright in sand along shore with sunrise background

This poem is a call to boldly let our lights shine in a dark world. As we spend time with the Lord and grow in our relationship with Him, we will begin to reflect His glory and love in greater measures. We will radiate His goodness everywhere.

Now’s the time

To arise and shine

For to this we were called

To let our light shine before others

That we may reflect God as sisters and brothers

A city on a hill cannot be hidden

He lit us up

Ain’t no kidding

Now we’re living

You are His candle

His glory burns within you

That’s what the darkness can’t handle

But it’s not a sacrifice unless you pay the price

Only in the dark can we be shining lights

Living under the shadow of His smile

Light crashing into darkness

That’s kingdom style

As we look to the Lord

Our lives will be radiant

We all come together

to form God’s glory gradient

There’s no time for stalling

It’s time to answer the calling 

Be strong and courageous

His joy is contagious

His love is outrageous

Now’s the time

To let His love shine

To all of humankind


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