Awaken To More

little boy reading the Bible in a bed

What does it look like to awaken?

I’m sure we’ve all had those days where getting out of bed in the morning is nothing short of a nightmare. We’d much rather hit the snooze button on the alarm than leave our warm, fuzzy blanket. We desire to stay where it’s safe. The thought of having to leave the comfort of our bed is overwhelming. Especially if you’re not a morning person, the idea of awakening is a drag and has a negative picture.

However, the awakening I’m talking about is nothing short of exhilarating. Yes, it requires leaving behind what feels safe and comfortable. But it’s more than worth it.

Let’s break down what it means to awaken. Synonyms include: rouse, stir, get up, cease from sleeping. The awakening I’m describing is one of excitement, far from the negative mindset we have on Monday morning.

Awaken to What?

What are we awakening to?

  • The abundant life Jesus has provided for us

This is an awakening to our identity as sons and daughters of God, as well as the unique calling that God has given us individually. This is a challenge to go beyond what is possible in our own strength and enter into what is possible with His strength in us.

Wake up!

What will get us out of the bed of apathy and mediocrity?

  • A revelation of God’s glory

God’s glory holds the power to rouse us from our spiritual slumber. It comes down to beholding God as He really is. In a physical sense, the brightness of the sun causes us to “rise and shine” as they say. The blazing rays of sunlight bursting through our windows indicate to us (whether we like it or not) that it’s time to get out of bed.

In the same way, the light of God’s glory beckons us to arise into a higher form of living.

I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.

Oftentimes we simply hear about God through other people. It’s easy to build our faith on secondhand information, rather than seeing God for ourselves.

How do we see God?

  • We make our faith our own.

  • We take the initiative to seek God for ourselves.

  • We carve out time to be with Him, read His word, and connect with Him in prayer.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

As we begin to see more of who God is, we will, in turn, be able to see more of who we are in Him. We will begin to step into the more that God has for us, and our lives will never be the same. 


The Power Of Redemption


Rooted In Christ