Faith, Beauty and Biblical Womanhood with Hope Harvard

Podcast recap with guest Hope Harvard

Are you ready for an inspiring story that will make you smile and remind you of the amazing things God can do in our lives? Hope Harvard's journey is a beautiful testament to how God transforms hearts and uses our unique gifts and experiences for His glory. Tune into the Sight, Sound and Soul Podcast to hear her testimony.

Hope Harvard's Journey: Faith, Beauty and Transformation

Growing Up in a Christian Home

Growing up in South Carolina, Hope was raised in a loving Christian home, but it wasn't until after college that her faith truly became her own. Through a difficult family tragedy, Hope found herself crying out to God, and He met her right where she was– on her pink couch in her Washington D.C. apartment. During this "quarantine couch revival," Hope's relationship with God deepened as she spent countless hours praying, worshiping and soaking in sermons online.

Building an Impressive Resume

Prior to this life-changing time, Hope had an impressive resume. She grew up doing beauty pageants, even winning the title of Miss Teen South Carolina. She majored in Political Science in college, worked at Disney World and even landed her dream job at the White House! These experiences helped shape her confidence and communication skills, but it was her newfound intimacy with God that would lead her to her true calling.

Discovering Her True Calling

After moving back to South Carolina, Hope found herself at a crossroads. She cried out to God, asking for a new job that would change culture and advance His kingdom. The very next morning, she woke up with a God-given idea: to create a makeup brand inspired by women in the Bible! Hope Beauty was born, with each product designed to remind women of God's promises and the virtues women in the Bible exemplify for us today.

The Heart Behind Hope Beauty

Hope's journey with makeup began long before this divine download. Growing up in the world of pageants and dance competitions, she developed a love for makeup artistry. Little did she know, God was preparing her for something greater, a way to bring the stories of women in the Bible to life through beauty products that encourage and empower. Every Hope Beauty product is infused with biblical truth and inspired by the virtues of women like Hannah, Ruth, Esther and Mary. From the "I Am Radiant" highlighter that reminds us of Hannah's transformation from despair to joyful hope, to the "I Am Woman" blush that celebrates the God-given strength and influence of femininity, each item is designed to speak life and truth over the wearer.

Standing Firm in Faith

As a CEO in an industry often hostile to faith, Hope remains steadfast in her mission to celebrate true beauty, the kind of beauty that radiates from within and reflects the glory of God. She openly shares her own struggles with insecurity and acne, reminding women that their worth is not defined by their appearance, but by the One who created them. Through Hope Beauty, women are discovering a new way to connect with God and embrace their identity as daughters of the King. Testimonies are pouring in, telling stories of lives changed and hearts healed through the power of biblically grounded womanhood and the reminder of the true beauty of a woman.

Transforming Lives Through Beauty

As Hope continues to grow her brand and develop new products (like the upcoming lip liner line!), she remains committed to her core message: every woman is beloved, valuable and created in the image of God. By championing this truth and providing tools for women to walk in confidence, Hope is sparking a revolution of God-centered beauty.

Whether you're a makeup enthusiast or simply in need of a little encouragement, let Hope's story inspire you to embrace the unique gifts and callings God has placed in your life. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and your beauty is a reflection of the God who loves you beyond measure. As you walk in this truth, get ready to shine like the radiant daughter of God you were born to be!


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