God Is My Portion

a half full cup of water in a glass

This year has certainly been unpredictable and chaotic—no question about it. But I think that the crazy circumstances that 2020 has brought us can teach us more than ever what it means to have 20/20 vision. 

These circumstances can teach us how to have the right perspective and clarity of vision regarding people and life in general. 

I have recently had my college plans altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so I have definitely learned the importance of maintaining the right perspective amid the unpredictable and uncomfortable circumstances of life. 

Key Scripture

I want to share one of the key Scriptures that I try to focus on when life is crazy and when things don’t go the way I planned. 

Psalm 16:5

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.

This verse has been a cornerstone of my relationship with God for several years now. It really helped me understand that it is only in the Lord that I find true satisfaction. 

God is my Portion. 

If He is my portion, then I can be content in every situation because He is there and He is with me. This perspective enables me to view every circumstance as an opportunity to see another attribute of God’s heart.

 I would never know Him as Deliverer until I needed deliverance.

I would never know Him as my Strength unless I knew I was weak.

This mindset sets me free from being chained by the unpredictable and uncomfortable circumstances of life.

I also recently noticed another aspect of this verse. If God is my cup, then I should not be looking for sustenance outside of Him. I should only desire what comes from Him, and likewise, be satisfied and sustained only by who He is and what He offers. 

Everything that comes from God is where our satisfaction, security and sustenance should be found.

He alone is our source, and nothing else outside of Him is our lot in Christ. 


Rooted In Christ


5 Habits Essential To My Relationship With God