How Changing Your Attitude Will Change Your Life
We can’t change what happens to us in life, but we can choose how we respond to it.
Our attitude determines our outlook on life. When we practice renewing our minds to align with God’s perspective we will experience greater joy.
Everyday we have the opportunity to make the most of where we are and what we have.
We all have bad days. But we can choose to either complain or reign.
Complain or Reign
By “reign” I mean stepping into the authority we have in Christ as kings in His Kingdom (Rev. 1:6). From this place of understanding our royal identity in Christ, we can use the authority He has given us to impact those around us.
This mindset also helps us understand that we have dominion over our circumstances and we can optimize them for Kingdom impact.
Our circumstances don’t rule us. Rather, we choose how we will steward them.
Ultimately, all our circumstances bow to God’s goodness if we love Him (Rom. 8:28).
Therefore, we can optimize everything we have (the good, bad and ugly) for God’s glory and for the blessing of other people.
Optimize the Circumstance
A great example of someone who optimized their circumstances for God’s glory is the apostle Paul. He said for Christ’s sake he would delight in his weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and difficulties (2 Cor. 12:10).
Paul knew that his sufferings were just a part of his Kingdom resume, proving him as a true servant of Christ. He knew that these trials were opportunities to develop humility which in turn enabled God’s grace (power) to come upon his life in a stronger way.
“What if your setback is actually God’s setup?”
What if what you perceive as a wall is actually a door to something greater?
Attitude Adjustment
When we make mistakes…
We can either wallow in self-pity and run away from God in shame
We can repent, receive forgiveness and move forward into all God has for us.
When trials come…
We can either complain and become offended at God
We can thank Him for this opportunity to love Him more.
When we’re bored in our daily routine…
We can either wish we were in a different season and dread each day
We can make the most of where we are and seek ways to show others the love of God.
Daily Choices
Here are some ways to steward your current season:
Spend time with God and build your personal relationship with Him
Pray for those around you to be saved
Ask God how you can be a blessing right where you are
Be kind to someone everyday
Talk to people who are excluded
Praise God in your pain
Use your social media to share the gospel
Bless people who hurt you
Talk to the Holy Spirit all day everyday about everything
Remember, your trials are just resume building exercises.
God made the first man, Adam, out of some dirt.
Allow Him to take your dirt—whatever you have—and make something beautiful out of your life.