
eyeglasses showing clarity of wooded scene

Life is what we make it.

The way we see our circumstances determines how we respond to them

If we choose to live through the eyes of faith, we will gain God’s perspective for our lives.

Recently, this idea of perspective has really been resonating with me.

I am realizing that what I choose to focus on is very important.

  • I can choose to compare myself to others and think that because I lack physical sight I am missing out

  • I can choose to sweat the small stuff and let minor inconveniences ruin my day

  • I can choose to focus on the negative things in life and therefore have a bad attitude

What we focus on determines the mindset and posture of our lives

Instead of focusing on things that are negative

  • We can choose to have an attitude of gratitude and always look for the good in every situation

When we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and on eternity, we will gain a new perspective

This perspective will enable us to live life to the fullest because we are focusing on what really matters.

We will then be able to finish the race that God has marked out for us because we have our eyes on the Prize.

What we see is what we seek and pursue. It is critical that we learn to view life through the lenses of faith instead of through what we see with our natural understanding.

The trajectory of our lives is determined by what we see through the eyes of our heart

2 Corinthians 5:7

For we live by faith, not by sight.

We are able to see life through God’s vantage point when we live with an eternal perspective.

This perspective will help us endure trials with greater patience and seek the things of God rather than the things of the world.


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