Share Your Story

youth speaker standing behind podium

God is writing a unique story through all of us.

The lessons we learn and the pain we experience is intended to grow us as well as benefit others.

By sharing the faithfulness of God in our suffering, we can bless and encourage others.

Your story has power

  • To lead others to Christ

  • To change lives

  • To change the world

These past several months have been a new adventure for me. I have had the opportunity to share my testimony at many schools and churches.

This has given me a greater awareness that our stories have tremendous power. It is so rewarding to use the pain that I have experienced to give hope to others.

Everyone has a story

Thus, the testimony that we live and speak of the hope of Jesus should be shared with others.

Revelation 12:11

“We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony...”

Don't be afraid to share your story with others, whether that is in a group setting or in a one-on-one conversation. By partnering with the Holy Spirit, you will be able to impact lives and lead many to salvation.


What Could Be


Don't Hide Your Light