The Importance of Preparation

woman putting bible in backpack

I believe preparation is overlooked in our generation.

Let’s be honest. Our generation is used to instant communication, microwaves and having everything fast. We want it quick and we want it now.

We have fast food, fast shipping and overnight success through social media.

But unlike our modern mindset, the Bible shows the importance of preparation as it relates to our life’s calling, and even every believer’s responsibility to prepare for the marriage of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

Esther’s Example of Preparation

Esther’s story shows us a great example of preparation. The king had called all the ladies of the land together to be presented before him, and the one who pleased him would be chosen as queen.

But the women couldn’t come before the king without first being prepared.

Each young woman’s turn came to go in to King Ahasuerus after she had completed twelve months’ preparation, according to the regulations for the women, for thus were the days of their preparation apportioned: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women.

Notice these women had to go through a whole year of beauty treatments before they approached the king. A year is a long time! It wasn’t like they went through a 10 minute morning routine to get ready for the day and they would be all set to approach the king.

The first phase of the preparation was 6 months of myrrh.

In the Bible, myrrh symbolizes suffering and meekness. It comes from the Hebrew root word meaning “bitter suffering.” Myrrh is derived from the thick gum that flows from the pierced bark of a knotted, thorny tree. The gum hardens into red drops called “tears.” Myrrh represents death to self and the sacrifices we make out of love for God.

The next phase of preparation was another 6 months of other various beauty treatments.

Esther’s story is a picture of the preparation that every believer should go through to prepare for the ultimate marriage with the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

Revelation 19:7 says,

Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

Song of Solomon 4:6 also shows us the preparation of the bride when she says,,

Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of incense.

Just like the women in the book of Esther and the bride in the Song of Solomon, we have to choose to be soaked in myrrh and other sweet oils, which represent the suffering and process we individually go through in order to crucify our flesh and live out the will of God for us.

But as those verses show us, this is a choice. We have to learn to cooperate with the process.

Preparation Leads to Destiny

The good news of preparation is that it’s the gateway to a destination. It’s the key to the greatness of our destiny.

Esther prepared to come before the king, in order to ultimately save a nation. Similarly, we are preparing for the greatness of our future eternal relationship with Jesus Christ.

As mentioned previously, myrrh represents suffering. Suffering is the path to the glory of God on our lives.

Romans 8:18 says,

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Suffering through enduring various trials brings about the transformation that is needed to bring us into the fullness of God’s destiny for us. It’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

A caterpillar becomes a butterfly only after it goes through the chrysalis phase. A butterfly is able to be a greater blessing than a caterpillar, because it’s able to help in the pollination process, which enables the multiplication of life in the plant kingdom. A butterfly helps keep the life cycle moving.

The butterfly’s greatness isn’t only about looking beautiful with its newfound wings and bright colors. It’s greatness is its ability to help give life to other flowers.

In the same way, our greatness isn’t about us boasting in all the gifts, skills or knowledge God has given us. Instead, it’s about being a blessing to the world through what He has entrusted to us.

The preparation process helps us build the character we need to sustain our calling, to hold the weight of God’s purpose for us.

I know from experience that this process can seem long and hard, but I also know it comes with great reward and that it is totally worth it in the end.

 How will you participate in God’s preparation process in your life?


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