Get Oil


Matthew 25:4 (NIV)

The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.


In Matthew 25:4 Jesus teaches us the importance of being prepared and ready for His return. The oil symbolizes the readiness and spiritual vitality necessary to meet the bridegroom. It represents a deep and personal relationship with God, filled with His Spirit and guided by His Word. Are we cultivating the oil of readiness in our own lives?


Dear Lord, help me to cultivate a vibrant and intimate relationship with You. Fill me with Your Spirit and enable me to stay spiritually alert and ready for Your return. May I be among the wise, carrying the oil of readiness in my heart.

Action Steps

  1. Seek intimacy with God and spend dedicated time in prayer, worship and studying His Word. Cultivate a deeper relationship with Him, allowing His Spirit to fill and guide you.

  2. Regularly examine your heart by taking time to evaluate your spiritual condition. Are there areas that need repentance or surrender? Seek God's forgiveness and allow Him to refine you.

  3. Stay watchful and prepared. Live with a sense of anticipation for Christ's return. Keep your spiritual lamp filled with the oil of readiness, staying alert to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  4. Share the light. Let your life be a testimony to others. Share the love of Christ and the hope of His return with those around you, so they too may be prepared.



Release His Fragrance


Wait on the Lord