Crowned In God’s Rich Blessings


Psalm 21:3 (NIV)

For you meet him with rich blessings; you set a crown of fine gold on his head.


Psalm 21:3 celebrates God's abundant blessings bestowed upon His people. It depicts the image of God welcoming us with lavish blessings, adorning us as royalty with His richness and grace. Reflect on moments where you felt God's abundant blessings in your life. How has His presence and favor transformed your circumstances or outlook? Consider the times when you tangibly experienced His goodness and love. Ponder the wonderful love of your Heavenly Father.


Dear God, thank You for Your lavish blessings and the richness of Your presence in my life. Help me remain mindful of Your grace and favor. May I always seek Your presence above all else. You are the greatest blessing I have. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Ponder Your Royalty: This verse expresses king David’s delight that God has fulfilled his heart’s desires. In Christ, God has given us far more than we deserve, making us royal kings under His Son.

  2. Seek His Presence: Dedicate time each day to seek God's presence through worship, prayer or reading Scripture. Allow His richness to infuse your heart and mind.

  3. Bless Others: Extend God's blessings by being a source of love and kindness to others. Consider ways to share His love and grace with those around you.


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