What is Faith? - Hebrews 11:1

young woman in wildflower field

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Context of the Verse:

Hebrews 11 is often referred to as the "Hall of Faith" or the "Faith Hall of Fame." It is a chapter that highlights the stories of various Old Testament figures who demonstrated great faith in God. The chapter begins by defining faith and then goes on to provide examples of how faith was lived out in the lives of individuals such as Abraham, Noah and Moses. Hebrews 11:1 sets the stage for the entire chapter by providing a clear and concise definition of what faith is.

Explanation of the Verse:

What is faith?

The verse describes faith as having two key components: confidence and assurance. It is the confidence in the things that we hope for and the assurance about the things that we do not see. This definition emphasizes the strong belief and trust that one has in God and His promises, even in the absence of tangible evidence.

Looking Beyond the Physical Realm

The latter part of the verse highlights the nature of faith. It goes beyond what is visible. Faith enables believers to have a firm conviction about the existence of things that are not perceptible to the human senses. This speaks to the spiritual aspect of faith and its ability to perceive and grasp the reality of God's work and His kingdom.

The Foundation of Christian Life

Hebrews 11:1 is foundational to the Christian life as it summarizes the essence of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Faith is not just a passive belief, but an active and dynamic force that shapes the way believers live and interact with the world around them. It is the basis of Christian existence, providing the lens through which all aspects of life are understood and navigated.

How to Apply Faith in Daily Life

1. Trust in God's Promises

We can place our confidence in the promises of God, even when circumstances seem uncertain. This means trusting that God is faithful and will fulfill what He has assured us, regardless of what we currently see or experience.

2. Live with Hope

Maintain a positive outlook, knowing that our faith in God's promises provides a firm foundation for our hope, even when situations appear bleak.

3. Step Out in Faith

Take steps of faith in various areas of life, such as making decisions, pursuing dreams or sharing our faith with others. Act based on our confidence in God's faithfulness and His unseen work in our lives.

4. Strengthen Our Relationship with God

Rely on Him more fully, seek His guidance and spend time in prayer and reflection, knowing that our relationship and faith in Him will be strengthened through these practices.

5. Encourage Others in Their Faith

Be an encouragement to others in their own faith journeys. By sharing our experiences of how God has been faithful, providing assurance and building confidence in our lives, we can help others to also trust in God's promises and live with unwavering faith.


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