3 Ways to Enhance Your Vision in 2020


It’s a new decade, a new beginning. With each new year comes a chance to refocus and realign our hearts with what really matters. It is finally 2020, and what better year to enhance our focus than the year of perfect vision. Here are three ways to gain a fresh perspective on life as well as keep the purposes of God in view as we move forward into the future. 

Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

In order to grow in our faith, we must continually look to Jesus. He redeemed us from darkness, saved us from our sins, and made a way for us to have a relationship with Him through unimaginable suffering.

A great way to honor the price He paid to bring us back to Him is to seek to know Him above all else. This can be done practically by consistently seeking Him through reading His Word, prayer and spending time with other believers.

When we fix our gaze on Jesus, we will be able to successfully finish the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1-2

Focus on Eternity

It can be so easy to only consider the here and now. Heaven can seem like a distant reality. Therefore, it is easy to put contemplation of eternity on the back-burner. However, the Bible places much emphasis on how what you do in this life will affect the next one.

I have heard this concept stated quite well: “What you do with the cross will determine where you spend eternity, but how you live in response to it in this life will determine how you spend eternity.” 

In other words, if we make Jesus the Lord of our life by believing that He died and was raised to life to pay for our sins in order to reconcile us back to God, we are adopted into the family of God and headed to heaven after we die. But there is more. The way that we will spend eternity (the rewards we will get, the amount of authority we will have, etc.) is determined by how we build our lives here on earth. This is why it is so important to make decisions with an eternal perspective.

If we work with God to build His kingdom and live in alignment with His Word, we will be on a good track for doing well at our judgment seat.

Keep God’s Promises in View

God has made thousands of promises to us in His Word. He also makes promises to us individually. It is critical to keep God’s written and spoken promises in view as we progress through life. This can be done through meditating, speaking and writing the promises He has made to us. Joshua 1:8 Habakkuk 2:2

I recommend combining all three in conjunction with each other on a daily basis in order to keep your faith steadfast. He is trustworthy in all He promises and forever faithful to His Word. Remember, we inherit what is promised through faith as well as patience, so if the words do not come to pass immediately, persevere in them and you will eventually see the manifestation of what God has spoken. Hebrews 6:12 


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