2019 Blogging Recap

notebook journal on table

Life’s Greatest Secret: God’s Grace

Most believers understand that they are saved by God’s grace. They know that this grace cannot be earned because it is God’s free gift of salvation…

Get Dressed

We must put on the clothes of Christ for others as well as ourselves. I desire to show Jesus to myself just as much as I desire to show Jesus to others…

5 Christian Books That Strengthened My Relationship With God

Here are 5 books that have helped strengthen my relationship with God. Please note: this list is not prioritized in order of recommendation. I have read many other excellent books, but these are my favorites…

What Coffee Can Teach You About Your Calling

Coffee has a very distinct smell. Its odor usually fills the whole room and there is absolutely no denying that there is a cup of coffee somewhere nearby. In the same way, as believers, we are called to be like coffee. We are called to fill the room we are in with the aroma of Christ…


Life is what we make it. The way we see our circumstances determines how we respond to them. If we choose to live through the eyes of faith, we will gain God’s perspective for our lives…

Step Into Freedom

Sometimes, when I am out in public, people see that I walk with my cane and they do or say things that are well-intended but not executed properly. I can choose to let their actions and comments take root in my identity and ruin my day, or I can choose to live in the freedom of submitting the situation into the Lord’s hands…

Season Of Waiting

I am currently in a season of waiting. I am going into my senior year of high school and at this time, I do not know where I will attend college or what my future has in store. I like the waiting process and the mystery of not knowing what is next because it teaches me to trust in the Lord and submit to His leading. I want to encourage you with some verses that can calm the pressure of a waiting season and reassure you that the future is in God’s hands…


It is crucial to have godly friends that “sharpen” us through accountability and encouragement. We need people that will speak the truth in love and remind us of who we are in Christ so that we will be effective warriors for the kingdom of God. Similarly, we must pursue fellowship with other believers so that we may spur on one another toward love and good deeds which glorify Jesus…

Living From The Inside Out

Living from the inside out means focusing on cultivating our relationship with God wherever we are. Wherever we are, God is with us because He lives inside of us. This means that we can be in a continual conversation with Him, being obedient to His leading and desires in the everyday routines of life. He may give us words to say to a cashier at the grocery store or prompt us to give something to a colleague at work. There are endless ways we can change the world by partnering with God one step at a time. Our responsibility is simply to be an available vessel for Him to work through…


3 Ways to Enhance Your Vision in 2020


The Power of Peace