Devotion, Worship and Redemption with Eliza King

On the Sight, Sound and Soul Podcast, I interviewed Eliza King, a passionate worship leader and singer/songwriter. We discussed her journey of faith, the heart of worship and the challenges and rewards of leading others in worship.

Eliza's Journey into Worship Leading

Eliza’s love for music began in her childhood, where she played piano and sang in choirs. Her journey into worship leading started in her teenage years when she joined a youth group. This experience allowed her to lead her peers in worship and deepened her appreciation for the purpose of worship in blessing the body of Christ and growing people’s faith.

During this time, Eliza developed a personal relationship with Jesus, finding that personal devotion was a crucial part of her faith. Music played a significant role in this journey, helping her connect with God and understand His heart through scripture and worship. This personal connection inspired her to create music that would help others in their personal devotion with the Lord.

Insights on "The Pressing In" Album

Eliza’s latest album, “The Pressing In,” released in March, features the song “My Beloved.” This song was inspired by a revelation about God’s love and Eliza’s struggles with feelings of inadequacy. Drawing from Song of Solomon, Eliza wrote the song to remind herself and others to lean on Jesus, especially when feeling inadequate. It’s a song that counters shame and encourages reliance on Him.

Exploring the Themes of Eliza’s Song "Olive Grove"

Another impactful song on the album, “Olive Grove,” addresses themes like the Garden of Gethsemane, the parable of the ten virgins and readiness for Christ’s second coming. The song emphasizes the significance of oil in scripture, symbolizing the presence of the Holy Spirit and the need for ongoing infilling to remain ready for Christ. Eliza draws on the urgency and seriousness of our faith, calling us to stay awake and fervent in our devotion, much like Jesus’ disciples were asked to stay awake in Gethsemane..

Anchoring Identity in Christ

One of the most impactful parts of our conversation was Eliza's advice to aspiring worship leaders. She stressed the importance of anchoring one's identity in Christ rather than in the praise or criticism of others. She believes this is crucial for maintaining spiritual health and joy in ministry.

Behind the Song “The Better Thing”

In  her song, “The Better Thing,” Eliza highlighted the convicting message from Matthew 7, where Jesus emphasizes that doing wonders in His name is not the same as knowing Him. This heavy-hitting theme showcases the importance of cultivating a personal relationship with God over merely performing acts of service or ministry. The song challenges listeners to reflect on whether their actions, even those done out of love for the Lord, might be missing the deeper connection with Jesus.

The song also draws inspiration from the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. Eliza shared how her mother explained this story to her, illustrating the difference between the two sisters: Martha, who was busy serving and meeting physical needs, and Mary, who chose to sit at Jesus' feet and listen. Eliza sees herself in Martha's preoccupation with tasks and ministry, often feeling stressed and missing the presence of Jesus in the moment. She emphasized that, like Mary, we should prioritize our relationship with Jesus, choosing what is eternal over what is temporary.

Choosing Jesus Over Activity

Eliza spoke about the constant struggle to balance ministry and personal devotion. She shared her realization that it's easy to get caught up in the busyness of serving, even when it's for good reasons, but still miss the essence of knowing Jesus. "The Better Thing" serves as a reminder to choose Jesus first, to invest time in connecting with His heart and to let everything else flow from that place of intimacy.

Eliza’s Testimony in Her Song “A Thousand Different Ways”

We discussed Eliza's song "A Thousand Different Ways," which she considers her testimony song. The song reflects her journey of discovering God's multifaceted presence and His call on her life. It beautifully encapsulates her story and the many ways God reveals Himself to us. This song reveals God’s faithfulness and healing in her life and the many ways He has intervened to save, heal and deliver her.

Struggles and Healing

Eliza opened up about her struggles with rejection and insecurity during her youth. Despite a loving family and a good childhood, she battled feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem. Over the years, through key moments of prayer and deliverance, she experienced profound healing and freedom. She reflected on how her thought patterns changed, and how she began to see herself through the truth of God's Word, transforming her life.

A Miraculous Rescue

Referenced in her song, “A Thousand Different Ways,” Eliza shared a powerful story from her childhood when she was attacked by a farm dog and sustained severe injuries. Her mother, while praying in the hospital waiting room, saw a vision of an angel opening the dog's jaws to release Eliza. This miraculous intervention saved her life, and the experience left a lasting mark—both physically and spiritually. Eliza views her scar as a testament to God's healing power and a reminder of His protection.

Eliza emphasized that her scar is not just a sign of past trauma but a symbol of healing. She believes that scars, whether physical or emotional, tell a story of God's redemption and love. Just as Jesus bore His scars after His resurrection, Eliza sees her scar as a part of her testimony, showcasing the healing and transformation she has experienced through her relationship with God.

Whether you're a worship leader, a musician or someone seeking to deepen your faith, there's something in this episode for you! Tune in to hear more about Eliza's journey, her insights on worship and her advice for living a life fully devoted to Christ.


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