Discovering God’s Purpose for Your Life

Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life

Life is a gift from God to us.

It’s a chance to discover who He is and who we are in Him. We are not an accident or a mistake.

We are here on purpose and for a purpose.

God’s Book for Your Life

Each of our lives are all written down by God in a book before we were born.

Psalm 139:16 tells us,

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.”

But here’s the thing. It’s not possible to fulfill all its contents outside of the context of relationship with God.

Your Destiny is Tied to Relationship

Our destiny is intertwined with relationship.

How will we know His will if we don’t seek Him? How will we hear His instructions to us if we don’t draw near to Him in prayer and worship?

The Joy in Pursuing God

The joy is in the journey and the adventure of pursuing God. This pursuit leads to discovering connections, confirmations and treasures. These may come in the form of Bible characters you are drawn to, specific Scriptures or even a certain word, symbol, or color that repeatedly appears in your life.

Discovering Treasures in Your Journey

It’s good to search out the matters God shows us, and this contributes to our joy and wonder in exploring and discovering all He has for us.

Even our negative circumstances, if optimized correctly, can become invitations to uncover more treasures of God’s heart and will contribute to His glory and redemptive purposes for others.

God arranges a unique path for each of us, but the intended goal for all of us is closeness with Him. We all come from different backgrounds and life experiences, yet we come together as one body, each representing different facets of God’s image.

Reflection Questions

Here are some questions to help you unwrap the fullness of what God has given you:

  1. What’s one step you could take to draw near to God today?

  2. Ask God what His will is for you in your current season

  3. What would you consider to be your life Scripture(s)?

  4. What has God done for you and how can you bless others with His work in your life?

  5. What goals do you have in your relationship with God for the future?

Scriptural Truths for Your Journey

  • God wrote a book about you before you were born (Psalm 139:16)

  • God has a specific and good plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11)

  • God still speaks to His people today (John 10:27; Acts 13:2; Jeremiah 33:3)

  • When you draw near to God, He will draw near to you (James 4:8)


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