Worship, Revival and Self-Reflection with SEU Worship

SEU Worship Podcast Recap

In this episode of the Sight, Sound and Soul Podcast, I had the privilege of speaking with SEU Worship member Chelsea Plank. SEU Worship, a worship band comprised of students from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, recently released their latest album titled "Move of God" in June 2024. Chelsea shared insights into the heart and mission behind SEU Worship, as well as the inspiration and process that went into creating their new album.

The Mission Behind SEU Worship

Chelsea began by discussing the mission of SEU Worship, which is deeply rooted in the community at Southeastern University. The band started as the campus worship team, but over time, they've been able to share their sound and mission beyond the campus. The heart of SEU Worship is to raise up true worshipers who worship in spirit and in truth, with clean hands and pure hearts. The focus is on being Christ-centered and student-focused, with an emphasis on preparing the next generation of worship leaders.

The Inspiration Behind  the Album "Move of God"

The album “Move of God” emerged from a deep sense of hunger and desperation for a move of God on their campus. The songs were written over the past couple of years, with the album's title track being the last song written. The overall theme of the album is a cry for holiness and a desire to see God move in powerful ways. The album reflects the faith and hunger that have been rising within the SEU community.

Spotlight of Songs from the Album

Slower I Go

One of the standout tracks on the album is "Slower I Go," a song that Chelsea sings on. The song was born out of a writing retreat with students, alumni and producers, where they felt the need to address the hurried nature of ministry. The song encourages slowing down and truly meeting with God, rather than being consumed by the busyness of doing His work. This song is an invitation to slow down in the midst of our fast-paced world and soak

What A God

Another powerful song on the album is "What A God," which was written in collaboration with One House Worship in Los Angeles. The song is a spontaneous praise moment that reflects the awe and gratitude for God’s goodness and kindness. The song is a testament to the unexpected paths that have led them to where they are today, serving in ministry and representing the Lord.


"Motives" is a deeply introspective song that Chelsea described as one of the most honest worship songs she's heard. It invites listeners to self-examine their reasons for worshiping—whether it's for others, for themselves or truly to give God glory. The song is a call to purity in worship, challenging believers to be holy and honest and pleasing in their approach to God.

Presence of the Lord

"Presence of the Lord" is another reflective song on the album. The song emphasizes the importance of reverence and intimacy with God, rather than just going through the motions of casually being in the room during a church service. The lyrics speak of developing an awareness that God is with us right now and we simply need to engage with Him.

Send Me

The final song Chelsea highlighted was "Send Me," which holds special significance for her. The song captures the tension of living in the "already and the not yet,” the period between Jesus' first coming and His return. The chorus, "Come Lord Jesus, but if you don't come today, then send me," reflects the dual call to both long for Christ's return and to be His hands and feet to the world in the meantime. The song is a reminder of the responsibility believers have to be active in spreading the gospel while waiting for the fulfillment of God's promises.

Advice for Young Worship Leaders

Towards the end of the podcast, Chelsea offered advice for young worship leaders who feel called to lead others into the presence of God. She emphasized the importance of pursuing purity above all else, sharing that purity is not about perfection but about the pursuit of seeing God. Chelsea encouraged aspiring worship leaders to prioritize their relationship with God and to remain humble and teachable, regardless of their age or experience.

Revival Starts in the Secret Place

Chelsea and I talked about how true revival begins in our "daily secret place" with God. This is that personal, quiet time where we connect with God on a deeper level, away from the noise of everyday life. It's in these moments that we find renewal and strength, preparing our hearts to lead others in worship and life. Personal revival spills over into public ministry to others, but it all starts with those daily, one-on-one times with God. Keeping this habit consistent is the secret to keeping our passion alive and our faith strong. Chelsea shares how she believes revival isn’t always in huge corporate prayer and worship gatherings, instead we can each experience lasting revival through stewarding the unseen moments for eternal impact.

Chelsea's insights into SEU Worship and their latest album "Move of God" offer a glimpse into the heart and passion behind their music. The album is a powerful expression of their community's hunger for God and a testament to their commitment to raising up the next generation of worshipers. For young worship leaders, Chelsea's advice serves as a valuable reminder to keep their focus on God and to pursue purity and intimacy with Him above all else.


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