Factor The Cross Into The Equation

beach sunset with cross in sand with text "If you don't factor the cross into the equation, then you don't have the right solution"

If you don’t factor the cross into the equation, then you don’t have the right solution.

The way we look at people is very important

We can choose to view them through many lenses, such as their actions or appearance. We judge people based on many external factors. Still, we must keep in mind that Jesus suffered so terribly on the cross just for that one person, regardless of if they will never respond to His love and receive His grace.

See people from God’s perspective

If we are going to have clarity in the way we see people, we must see them from God’s perspective. A good starting place for this is choosing to view people from the lens of the cross, rather than how they behave, what they look like, etc. This will help us develop humility and will help us become more like Christ.

Forgive those who have wronged us

Intentionally practicing viewing people from the lens of the cross will make it easier to forgive those who have wronged us. This has been a huge key for me personally as I have worked through forgiving people who have deeply hurt me. The cross gives us the right perspective and remembering Jesus’ suffering on behalf of someone compels us to love and forgive them.


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