Faithful Stewardship Leads to Abundant Harvest

orange trees

Today’s faithfulness is tomorrow’s harvest.

I’ve recently been thinking about the power of small acts of love and how they are more significant to God than we realize. The little seeds we sow today become the fruit of our life in the future.

The Fruit of Love

The main fruit we are to bear is love, which is the first and second greatest commandment (Matt. 22:37-39). Love is the first fruit of the Spirit, and it’s the royal law of Scripture (Gal. 5:22; James 2:8).

Sometimes we get so focused on the more “flashy” and “glamorous” aspects of our lives, like our gifts, career or social media presence that we forget the most important thing we can do is love God and love people. Love is the place where all of the other fruits like joy and peace flow from. Love is the hallmark of the believer in Christ.

A Story of Stewardship

I once heard a very inspiring story of a young girl who understood this principle. I don’t know her name, but still her legacy lives on in my heart. She had some kind of disease where she was crippled, and for the last three years of her life she was confined to her bed.

She could’ve easily spent her days complaining to God and to everyone around her about how miserable her life was. She could’ve spent every hour and every minute of her time comparing her life to other children who were not suffering as she was and who were able to walk and run freely.

But she didn’t.

Instead, she chose to spend the last three years of her life constantly praying and interceding for people’s salvation. She was a world changer without ever leaving her bed. She passed away at the age of 11, but the fruit of her life carried into eternity and speaks volumes about her today.

She maximized the seeds she had and sowed them into what will last forever. She is an example to us all of what faithfulness looks like.

Now all those she prayed for are reaping the fruit of the prayers she sowed for them. I’m also sure she was greatly rewarded in Heaven for her love.

The question is…

What Seeds Are We Sowing?

This can be as simple as a prayer, an act of kindness or a choice to forgive someone who hurt us.

Are we maximizing what God has placed in our hand, no matter how small? Are we multiplying what He has entrusted to us?

This isn’t about performance, but a lifestyle of bearing fruit that will last for eternity.

I once heard a quote that reflects this point so beautifully:

“There’s nothing I admire more than someone who is planting trees under whose shade they will never sit”

We each have the opportunity to let the fruit of our life become an orchard for future generations to eat from.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

What seeds are you sowing today?

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