Made For More

sunset in field

We were made for more.

In Christ, we have been given a new identity. We are a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17). The understanding of our new identity gives us purpose.

God has a unique plan for each of us

He knew us before we were born, and He so affectionately and intricately knit us together in our mother’s womb. All the days of our life were recorded in His book before a single one of them came to be (see Psalm 139).

We are alive on purpose and for a purpose

There is more to life than striving to find approval in our outward appearance and other people’s opinions. There is more to life than blending in with the crowd and feeling pressure to keep up with the trends. There is more to life than building our own name and living for our own fame.

We were made for more

Made for more than to be consumed with our flesh or what the culture says is fresh.

When we realize who God has made us to be and align with His plans and purposes for our lives, we will begin to actually experience the “more” we were made for. We will live in the joy of looking beyond ourselves and discover the beauty of serving others. We will remain confident in what God says about us no matter the opinions of the crowd.

We will live the abundant life Jesus died to give us when we lay down our entire life to follow Him. When we choose to give our whole lives over to Him, we will actually understand more than ever what it means to live.

A life surrendered to the will and ways of God is a life worth living

It amazes me. Jesus gave His entire life for us.

I think we so often only consider the suffering He experienced before and during His crucifixion. But what about the constant rejection He faced by the religious leaders and even His own family? And what about the thirty or so years before His public ministry where He experienced all the pain and weakness and emotions of what it means to be human.

Jesus literally gave His life to redeem us. Yes, by dying for our sins on the cross. But He also was an infant, a child, a teenager, and an adult. He experienced the various stages of development, and He only ministered publicly for about the last three years of His life.

This is a full redemption package. This is extravagant love. From the cradle to the cross.

God invites us into a new beginning. A new life. He desires us to live in the freedom that He paid such a high price to attain for us. The prison doors are open. All we have to do is take a step forward, out of the cage.

Now is the time to step into the abundant life Jesus provided. Today is the day of salvation. Our King is inviting us into a fresh start, an awakening to who we are and who He’s called us to be.

He is doing a new thing—something never ever witnessed. God wants to do something in each of us that has never been seen or done before. God invites us to an abundant life where we bear much fruit for His glory.


Forged in Fire


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