More - Poem

young woman walking in field

When we realize who God has made us to be and align with His plans and purposes for our lives, we will begin to actually experience the “more” we were made for. We will live in the joy of looking beyond ourselves and discover the beauty of serving others. We will live the abundant life Jesus died to give us when we lay down our entire life to follow Him. When we choose to give our whole lives over to Him, we will actually understand more than ever what it means to live.

What if I told you
that you were made for more
And that love is really an open door
It sinks deep into your core

See, you were called to live a life
A life, empty of yourself
But full of someone else
Freedom, in giving it all away
You say?

A life, where you die to live
So you willingly give
You give it all
An answer to His call
Y'all, He paid it all!

He bled for you
Oh, His love ran red for you
Yes, His own blood shed for you

But, oh no, we're not done
See the battle's already been won
You can't defeat the Son

Cause on the third day
He ran out of the grave
Mighty to save!

Yes, He's alive!
With grace in His eyes
He took Hell by surprise
Putting an end to His own demise
And bringing truth to all the lies

Oh, believe it it's true
His suffering was worth you
So no longer do you have to cry boo-hoo
Because the King really loves you!

I know, it's super exciting
He's so warm and inviting
Even though we're all so broken
His heart's still wide open!

He's the strength in our weakness
Turning pride into meekness
Oh, you really gotta see this!

Making beauty from our ashes
Cause when He took those lashes
He was filling all our gashes

What a blessed Lord
Laying down His life
On His own accord
Oh, you couldn't ask for more!

He gave it all
So let's give it all
Because only empty cups can be filled
And dry ground be chilled

Yes, dying is living
And empty is full
He alone can patch that hole in your soul

You are precious in His sight
Clothed in robes of white
His heart is filled with such delight
So come on out and see this light!

Cause our God gives life to the dead
And turns to joy all our dread
Don't you forget what He said!

You are called
And you are chosen
How He loves to fix what's broken

Beloved by the King
He makes your heart wanna sing
Bedazzling you with such bling
Don't forget the wedding ring

His faithfulness to the skies
With such love in His eyes
He's ready to give you your prize
Even though He's the one
We all once despised

Oh, this is true
He wrote about you
Your life is His story
Filled with great glory
Paper and pen
Before you could even count to ten

He formed you in your mother's womb
Was thinking of you in His tomb
And pours His heart out in your gloom

You are His child
So let your heart run wild

Because He knew you before
And He opened that door
Showering you in grace galore

Yes, you were made for MORE!


Made For More


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