Music, Medicine and Mentorship with Jordan Bolds

Podcast recap with Jordan Bolds

On the Sight, Sound and Soul Podcast, I interviewed musician Jordan Bolds about how he brings his faith into his music and career in medicine. He gives advice for young Christian men in finding their God-given purpose and he shares the greatest lessons he has learned throughout his journey with God.

Music, Medicine and Mentorship: Jordan's Inspiring Journey

Jordan Bolds story is a testament to the power of perseverance, faith and the profound impact of familial experiences on shaping one's talents and purpose in life. From a young age, his musical talents were nurtured by the energetic music in church and his mother's love for smooth jazz, instilling in him an appreciation that would shape his journey as a talented saxophonist.

Nurturing Talents through Faith

A Musical Upbringing

Despite initial resistance, being surrounded by the smooth jazz genre had a positive impact on Jordan's musical inclinations. He started playing the saxophone at age 9, and music played a major role in his faith journey.

Ministering through Music

Performing at different churches required him to stay close to God, enabling him to minister to others through his music.

Lessons in Spiritual Nourishment

One of the greatest lessons he learned was the inability to minister to others without first being ministered to by God. Jordan experienced a period of burnout, taking on every gig he could, but he realized the need for God to consistently pour into him to be able to function with the fullest anointing.

Overcoming Adversity with Purpose

A Father’s Battle and Legacy

Sadly, Jordan's father passed away in 2022 at age 56, due to multiple sclerosis, a degenerative neurological disease. This profound loss instilled within Jordan a desire to contribute to finding a cure and advancing the field of biomedical engineering and medical physics, the career path he is currently pursuing in college.

Channeling Passion into Purpose

Jordan's father's battle with this debilitating condition motivated him to channel his talents and passion into helping others afflicted by similar neurological disorders. Through his musical gifts cultivated by his mother's influence, and his scientific aspirations driven by his father's illness, Jordan exemplifies how family influences can profoundly shape one's talents and purpose in life.

Finding Meaning in Struggle

As James 1:2-3 states, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." Jordan explained that God allows you to go through challenges so that you can help others who face similar difficulties. There is purpose in the struggle.

Mentoring Young Men in Their Spiritual Growth

The Need for Male Mentorship

Jordan encourages young Christian men to not let the world dim the light God put in them. He notes that in church, building a relationship with God is more common among women. As a man, the world doesn't readily provide resources to stay close to God, so Jordan knows there is purpose when people are put in his path to direct him spiritually. He advises men to connect with other men who love the Lord to have camaraderie and support each other in pursuing God.

Seeking God-Given Assignments

Jordan acknowledges the need for the church to better equip young men with resources and motivation for their relationship with God. From the beginning in the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam the first assignment to tend the garden before Eve was created. Men have a God-given assignment that carries responsibility.

Proactive Growth and Accountability

Highlighting the importance of being proactive in spiritual and personal growth, Jordan urges young men to seek and fulfill their God-given purposes, offering advice on avoiding distractions and fostering accountability.

Jordan's commitment to music and science reflects his broader quest for spiritual growth and helping others, serving as an inspiration for young men to pursue their unique paths with God's guidance.

Be sure to listen to Jordan's inspiring story on the Sight, Sound and Soul Podcast. His journey is a testament to the power of faith, perseverance and the impact of family influences on shaping one's talents and purpose in life.


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