5 Scripture-Based Worship Songs to Increase Your Hunger for God

Man playing guitar

The Word of God reveals to us God’s character and attributes. When we sing His Word, we are aligning ourselves with who He is and exalting Him rightly as our God and King. We match the sounds of heaven when we honor Him with our hearts and lips.

Here are five of my current favorite Scripture-based worship songs.

  1. Daily Bread

    Artists: P&W Collective, Kate Gurren

    Listen to 'Daily Bread' here

    This song acknowledges Jesus as our Daily Bread, our Portion (John 6:33; Matt. 6:11). The verses are based on Psalm 73 which parallels this theme of the Lord being our Portion, the One who will truly satisfy us. The song closes with a reminder of God’s unceasing goodness toward us.

  2. We Get you in the End

    Artists: Franklin Prayer House, Ashton Barber

    Listen to 'We Get you in the End' here

    This is a sweet love song to Jesus taken from Psalm 16. It acknowledges our dependence upon Him and also exalts Him as our beautiful King. He is our Treasure and with Him are pleasures forevermore. He is our inheritance, our Prize.

  3. Ever Be

    Artists: Bethel Music, kalley

    Listen to 'Ever Be' here

    This is the oldest song on this list, but it’s been one of my favorites since the beginning of my walk with Jesus. The chorus is taken from Psalm 34:1. The verses beautifully portray the steadfast love of Christ which therefore compels us to love Him in return for all He has done for us.

  4. Sacred Spaces

    Artist: Harvest

    Listen to 'Sacred Spaces' here

    This song is centered on Psalm 84:10, which discusses the pleasure of being near God. The lyrics create  a hunger to minister to the Lord in the sacred space of our secret place with Him. This song stirs desire to live in adoration of God’s holiness, producing a sense of wonder and a drawing towards His presence.

  5. Better Portion

    Artists: Franklin Prayer House, Ashton Barber

    Listen to 'Better Portion' here

    This is an intimate worship song about Jesus being our Portion, our Prize. The song is based on the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10, where Jesus tells Mary that she had chosen what is better. She chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, to delight in His presence, rather than to busy herself with serving Him like Martha was doing. The song closes with a new twist in Jude 1:24 which speaks of how Jesus is able to keep us from stumbling and present us faultless before the Father.

I hope you enjoy these scripture-based worship songs as much as I do. I pray they add new life to your quiet times with the Lord!

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