Living by God's Word


Matthew 4:4 (NIV)

Jesus answered, 'It is written: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."


In Matthew 4:4, Jesus responds to the temptations of the devil with this powerful statement. He reminds us that physical sustenance alone is insufficient for true and abundant life. Our souls hunger for more than earthly bread; they crave the nourishment of God's Word. Just as our bodies need daily bread and sustenance, our spirits require the life-giving Word of God to thrive. Let us reflect on the significance of prioritizing our spiritual nourishment.


Dear Lord, thank you for revealing the importance of Your Word for our spiritual well-being. Help us to hunger and thirst for Your truth above all else. Open our hearts to receive Your Word and grant us understanding as we study and meditate on it. May Your Word be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

Action Steps

  1. Practice hearing God’s voice through spending time in worship and prayer.

  2. Write down what you hear in a journal so you can refer back to it later. It is a process to learn to hear and discern the voice of God.

  3. Don’t be discouraged by your mistakes.


A Tree of Life


Your Love is Beautiful to Him