Your Love is Beautiful to Him


Song of Solomon 4:10 (NIV)

How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume more than any spice!


Song of Solomon 4:10 portrays the deep admiration and delight of the bridegroom for his beloved. This verse points us to the profound love of Jesus Christ for His followers. The beauty and pleasure found in human love pale in comparison to the perfect and sacrificial love of Jesus. Not only that, your love for Him is beautiful to Him and what really counts before Him. it is not not our perfection, but our love that really matters to Him.


Lord Jesus, I am in awe of the beauty and depth of Your love for me. Help me to grasp the magnitude of Your sacrifice and the immensity of Your affection. Open my heart to receive Your love fully and to respond in gratitude and devotion. May Your love transform me and empower me to love others as You have loved me.

Action Steps

  1. Meditate on the love of Jesus for you.

  2. Spend time in prayer, seeking a deeper understanding of His sacrificial love and its impact on your life.

  3. Allow His love to fill you and overflow to others.

  4. Look for opportunities to demonstrate love, compassion, and grace to those around you, reflecting the beauty of Jesus' love in your actions and words.


Living by God's Word


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