Honor All Men


1 Peter 2:17 (NIV)

Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.


As we reflect on this verse, we can examine our own attitudes and actions towards others. Do we treat everyone with respect and kindness, or do we show favoritism or discrimination? We can ask God to reveal any areas where we need to grow in honoring all men.


Let us pray and ask God to help us honor all men. Dear God, please help us to see others as you see them and to treat them with respect and kindness. Show us any areas where we need to grow in honoring all men, and give us the strength and wisdom to make changes in our attitudes and actions.

Action Steps

  1. Look for ways to show kindness and respect to those around us.

  2. Listen to someone who has a different perspective.

  3. Offer a helping hand to someone in need.

  4. Be intentional about treating everyone with the love and respect that they deserve.


Your Love is Beautiful to Him


My Cup Overflows