Christ Our Cornerstone - Isaiah 28


Isaiah 28:16 (NIV)

So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: 'See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.'


In Isaiah 28:16, God speaks through the prophet Isaiah, declaring His intention to lay a cornerstone in Zion. This cornerstone is not just any stone; it is tested, precious and secure. It represents Jesus Christ, the foundation of our faith. Just as a cornerstone is essential for the stability of a building, Jesus is essential for the stability of our lives.

Relying on this cornerstone means placing our trust in Jesus, understanding that He is the foundation upon which our faith and lives should be built. When we trust in Him, we gain a stability that cannot be shaken by the storms of life. This promise reassures us that in Him, we will not be stricken with panic or fear. Our foundation is secure and our future is certain because it rests on Him.

In a world full of uncertainties and ever-changing values, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious. However, this verse invites us to anchor our lives in Christ, the tested and precious cornerstone. When we do so, we find peace and confidence, knowing that we are built upon the surest foundation.


Heavenly Father, thank You for setting Jesus, the precious cornerstone, as the foundation of our faith. Help us to rely on Him fully, trusting in His strength and stability. When life feels uncertain and fears threaten to overwhelm us, remind us to stand firm on the sure foundation You have provided. May our lives be a testimony to the peace and confidence that comes from trusting in Your Son. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Reflect on Your Foundation: Spend time in prayer and meditation considering the foundation of your life. Are you fully relying on Jesus, or are there areas where you trust in your own strength or something else?

  2. Memorize the Verse: Commit Isaiah 28:16 to memory as a reminder of the secure foundation you have in Christ. Recite it in times of anxiety or doubt to reinforce your trust in Him.

  3. Share Your Faith: Consider sharing the message of Isaiah 28:16 with someone who might be struggling with anxiety or uncertainty. Offer to pray with them and share how Jesus has been a sure foundation in your own life.


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