The Dangers of Gluttony: Feeding the Soul, Not Just the Body


Proverbs 23:20-21 (NIV)

Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.


In our society today, indulgence and overconsumption are often the norm. It's easy to overlook the spiritual implications of gluttony. Yet, the Bible offers us clear guidance on this matter. Gluttony, simply put, is an overindulgence or preoccupation with anything to the point of waste, particularly food or drink.

In this verse from Proverbs, the wisdom shared reminds us of the potential dangers of gluttony, not just physically, but also spiritually and financially. It suggests that focusing too much on satisfying our physical appetites can lead to negligence in other important aspects of our lives, including our spiritual health and well-being.

As Christians, we are encouraged to practice self-control and discipline, which extends to how we treat our bodies and manage our physical appetites. While it's important to enjoy the blessings God has given us, including delicious food and drink, we must also ensure we're not prioritizing these pleasures above our relationship with God or our care for others.


Lord, we thank You for the abundant provision You bless us with every day. Help us to exercise discipline in our consumption and to respect our bodies as Your temples. Teach us to find satisfaction not just in physical sustenance, but more importantly, in spiritual nourishment through Your Word and Your presence. May we seek to glorify You in all we do, including how we eat and drink. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Aim to practice mindfulness in our eating habits.

  2. Pay attention to the portion sizes, the nutritional value of your food, and your body's cues of hunger and fullness. See this not just as a physical exercise, but a spiritual one.

  3. Honor God's provision and the body He has given you.


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