Fix Your Eyes


Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV)

….Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith…


Hebrews 12:1-2 reminds us of the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus. In the midst of life's challenges and distractions, it's easy to lose focus on what truly matters - our relationship with Him. Just as a skilled athlete keeps their eyes on the finish line, we must keep our gaze firmly fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

Fixing our eyes on Jesus means seeking Him first in all things. It means centering our thoughts and desires on His teachings and example. It means surrendering our worries and fears to Him, knowing that He cares for us and will carry us through every trial.


Dear Lord, in the hustle and bustle of life, we confess that our eyes often wander from You. We are grateful for Your patience and loving reminders to fix our eyes on You. Help us to throw off anything that hinders our walk with You and to resist the temptations that entangle us. May we run the race of faith with perseverance, knowing that You are our faithful guide. May our hearts be captivated by Your love and our minds focused on Your truth. In every season of life, may we keep our eyes fixed on You, Jesus. Amen.

Action Steps

  1. Commit to starting each day by fixing your eyes on Jesus through prayer and reading His Word. Let His truth guide your thoughts and actions throughout the day.

  2. When faced with decisions or challenges, seek Jesus' guidance through prayer and seeking wise counsel. Allow Him to lead you in every aspect of your life.

  3. Cultivate a heart of thankfulness for Jesus' love, grace, and provision in your life. Recognize His faithfulness, even in difficult circumstances.

  4. Reflect the love of Jesus to others through acts of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. Be intentional in sharing the hope you have found in fixing your eyes on Him.



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