How to Steward God’s Promises

road with mountains

God makes thousands of promises to us in His Word.

It’s important to learn how to steward God’s promises so we can see them come to pass in our lives.

God’s promises don’t automatically happen without our partnership, for “by faith and patience we inherit the promises” (Hebrews 11:6).

I encourage you to spend time asking the Lord what specific promises He has for your life personally. He may speak directly to your heart, or He may highlight a particular Scripture to you.

God wants you to know what His will is for your life. When you set your heart to seek Him, you will find Him. When you call to Him, He will answer you and reveal great things (Jeremiah 33:3).

I would also encourage you to spend time asking the Lord how He wants you to steward the promise He gives you, because life with God isn’t a formula.

General Keys for Stewarding God’s Promises

Meditate on His Promises

God instructs us in Joshua 1:8 to meditate on His Word. Meditating means reminding ourselves of God’s promise. Continually thinking about God’s promise to us helps it stay in the front of our minds.

Declare His Promises

God also instructs us in Joshua 1:8 to continually speak His Word. Our words reflect what is in our hearts, so daily declaring God’s promise helps activate and cultivate our faith. Declare and decree God’s promise over your life with confidence!

Write His Promises

In Habakkuk 2:2, God tells us to write the vision. You could write down God’s promise in a journal. You could even doodle around it, color it, and make it fancy. Be creative and make it fun! Writing God’s promise and the vision He gave you will help you continue to advance forward and run with it.

Pray about His Promises

In Ezekiel 36:37, God tells the people of Israel to inquire of Him about what He had previously promised them. The word inquire in this verse means “to seek and ask diligently, to follow, pursue or search” (Strong’s 1875). Inquiring of the Lord is a process of consistently and diligently praying and asking Him to bring about what He has promised.

Thank God for His Promises

Thanking God in advance for fulfilling His Word is very helpful in maintaining a strong belief in what He has said even when it has not manifested yet.

Praise with His Promises

Praise brings us into God’s presence (Psalm 100:4). God also inhabits and is enthroned upon our praise (Psalm 22:3). Incorporating praise and worship with our promise is another great way to steward God’s promise.

These practical keys for proactively stewarding God’s promises are intended to help build our faith in what God has spoken. Faith helps us patiently endure when our circumstances look the exact opposite of what God promised. Through faith and patience we inherit and possess God’s promises.  

The Lord is faithful and trustworthy in all He promises!


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