What Spring Can Teach Us

hello spring written on paper

Spring is here! Springtime is like a breath of fresh air, a chance to advance forward after a long winter season.

I think this season can teach us so many lessons. So, here are a few ways we can apply springtime to our lives.

Spring Forth into the New

Spring is a new season. A season of hope and life. Everything suddenly flourishes after a long, cold winter. Springtime is an opportunity to advance forward into all God has for us.

I’m reminded of Isaiah 43:19 which says:

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

The original Hebrew word for spring in this verse means “to sprout, cause to bud, make to grow” (Strong’s 6779).

Let’s ask the Lord what new things He has for us in this new season. Even if we can’t see it now, by faith we believe that God’s plans and promises are already springing forth into motion. Do you see God’s new thing for your life beginning to bud? Can you believe Him for more?

Gain Fresh Perspective

After a harsh winter, everything suddenly becomes new in the spring. The new season is a chance to gain fresh perspective and hope for the future.

A great way to intentionally gain fresh perspective is to find a Scripture that explains what God has to say about our particular circumstances. This will help us adjust and align our thinking to the truth on the matter, so we can begin to see our situation through God’s eyes. Studying the Scriptures will help us recalibrate to God’s thoughts, ways and heart on the various issues of life.

Related: The Mystery Poem

There is a time and a season for everything. A winter season may be confusing, dark and lonely, but there is a beautiful mystery in it all. When the spring finally arrives, we look back in wonder at the faithfulness of God even in all the suffering He sometimes allows. Our tears are seeds in the soil where in time flowers will grow.

Spring Cleaning of the Heart

It’s common for people to start cleaning and reorganizing in the spring. But our hearts need some good spring cleaning as well.

Proverbs 4:23 says,

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

This verse tells us that our hearts are a wellspring, meaning that all the issues of life flow from it. Therefore, it’s very important that we properly steward and constantly tend to our hearts to ensure our wellspring isn’t muddy or stopped up.

We can set aside time with the Lord to examine ourselves and see if there are any areas of our hearts that may need some spring cleaning. We can ask Him to reveal what thought patterns or priorities need to be adjusted.

However, we shouldn’t stop with simply throwing out the old, we should also replace those things with something new! This is a chance to repent, which simply means “a change of mind.” It’s an opportunity to replace old habits and thought processes with fresh ones that align with the heart of God and share His perspective.

Join me in repentance, reorganization and reprioritization of the places in our lives that need a spring cleaning!


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